Cleanup volunteers needed at Whitewater Amphitheater!

photo source: Whitewater's Facebook
Among the many hit hard by this storm, Whitewater Amphitheater took some pretty extensive damage today when the Sattler exit gauge hit well over 7000cfs. The video below is after the flooding in May when the exit gauge was at 5300cfs and there was water over the road in a few places on River Road. They are going to begin cleanup efforts in the morning and could use some volunteer help!

If you're able to safely make it to Whitewater and help them begin the cleanup, please direct message me on Twitter or Facebook or contact me via my contact tab on this website.

If it's Saturday morning after about 10 and you want to come help, just show up and Whitewater and ask for Angie or Brian (me) because I'll probably be in the muck for awhile with no phone.

Thank you!

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