2016 Farmgrass Fest

Farmgrass Fest is up in Niederwald this Saturday and Sunday, May 14th and 15th. They raise money for Gro-Act (Growers Alliance of Central Texas) which helps with healthcare costs for producers of natural & organic foods. Find more information at farmgrass.org, but here's the LIVE MUSIC line up!


8:30 Shinyribs
​7:30 The Lost Pines
6:00 Wood & Wire
5:00 Bottom Dollar String Band
3:30 Doug Moreland
2:30 Guy Town
1:30 Doors Open

SUNDAY MAY 15, 2016

7:30 Danny Barnes & Barn of Wood
6:30 Jenny & The Corn Ponies
5:00 Dawn & Hawkes
4:00 Sour Bridges
3:00 The Deer
2:00 Fog & Bone
1:00 Contest Winner: The Mismatch
​12:00 Doors Open

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